Are Full Mouth Dental Implants Able To Restore The Look And Function Of My Smile?

a full mouth dental implant patient and an implant dentist after a procedure.

When a full arch of missing teeth is negatively affecting the look and function of a patients smile, then full mouth dental implants in Baton Rouge, LA could be the perfect tooth replacement option for them. By restoring their missing teeth with full mouth dental implants, patients are able to resume a normal diet, talk […]

After Getting Dental Implants, How Can I Take Care Of Them?

a full mouth dental implant patient smiling with a toothbrush.

Dental implants in Baton Rouge, LA can be very beneficial to patients, making them a preferable tooth replacement option over traditional dentures. Dental implants are a permanent tooth replacement option that can give patients a natural looking new smile. They also do not require any special maintenance and can be cleaned just like natural teeth. […]

Will My Smile Be Stable And Comfortable With Implant Supported Dentures?

an implant supported denture model all on four implant posts.

When people are looking for a reliable and permanent way to replace their damaged or missing teeth, then they should look no further than implant supported dentures in Baton Rouge, LA. Dental health is an important aspect of overall health, and implant supported dentures can play a major role in restoring the health of a […]

Even If I Have Some Jawbone Density Loss, Can I Still Get Treated With Full Mouth Dental Implants In Baton Rouge, LA?

a full mouth dental implant model showing how the dental implants can be strategically placed in the patients jawbone to support a prosthesis when they have lost some jawbone density.

Full mouth dental implants in Baton Rouge, LA are a great solution to replace a full arch of missing teeth, even for patients who have experienced extensive jawbone loss. The full mouth implant procedure involves strategically placing implant posts into the jawbone to create a stable anchor for their full arch prosthetic or denture. With […]

Are Dental Implants In Baton Rouge, LA Able To Restore My Smile?

a dental implant post being surgically placed in a patients gums during their restorative dental implant procedure.

Dental implants in Baton Rouge, LA are a great way to restore dental health and achieve a natural-looking smile. Unlike traditional denture treatments, dental implants involve the placement of small titanium dental implant posts into the patients jawbone to serve as artificial tooth roots. The dental implants provide stability for dental prostheses such as crowns, […]