What Happens If I Don’t Have A Bone Grafting Procedure Before My Dental Implants Are Placed?

model of a bone grafting and dental implant procedure.

When people have had one or more missing teeth for a long period of time, then they may need a bone grafting procedure before they can get treated with dental implants in Baton Rouge, LA. A bone grafting procedure restores the patients jawbone density so it can support their new smile. Those who do not […]

Should I Get Dental Implants After A Bone Grafting Procedure?

jawline skin being pulled back to show the underlying bone graft.

Dental implants are a popular treatment option for those who are missing teeth or are experiencing damaged or broken teeth that need repair. Dental implants in Baton Rouge, LA, are most successful when they are placed on a sturdy and solid jawbone. If a trained doctor determines that a person’s jawbone is not sturdy enough […]